Our Accreditations

acds logoCreating Excellence Together (CET)

CET is the accreditation standard of the Alberta Council of Disability Services. This accreditation is recognized by PDD and other funding bodies. MCS has had CET Level II with Complex Support Needs accreditation since 2004.

Protection of Persons in Care Act

Alberta HealthProtection of Persons in Care Act promotes the safety of adults in care, by requiring everybody to report incidents where they have reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that there is, or has been, abuse against a person-in-care. The Act came into effect in January 1998.

Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol

The Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol was developed to address both the prevention of abuse and the response to any form of maltreatment toward an individual supported by the PDD program. Click here to view the Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol.

accommodation standards logoAccommodation Standards

Supportive living settings for four or more adults must be licensed under the Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act and meet the Supportive Living Accommodation Standards.

  • In the area of Health and Safety, we are also governed by Alberta Health Services.
  • Fire Protection requirements are in effect.

PDD Safety Standards

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) Safety Standards were implemented to ensure that adults who are supported by the Persons with Developmental Disabilities program are living in safe homes, and that their staff are using safe practices. MirkaCare meets all DS Safety Standards.

MirkaCare Services

9779 - 54 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J4
P. 780.435.8336  
F. 780.435.2294

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